Interprofessional collaboration; communication; participatory action research; primary care; task delegation; Belgium; Cooperative Behavior; Health Services Research; Humans; Interprofessional Relations; General Practitioners; Primary Care Nursing; Medicine (all); General Medicine
Abstract :
[en] Given the sociodemographic challenges facing the Belgian primary care system, it is essential to strengthen interprofessional collaboration (IPC) between healthcare providers. Therefore, our aims for this study were to assess IPC between general practitioners (GPs) and nurses; identify target priorities for improving IPC; and facilitate the planning and implementation of the proposed improvement strategies. Based on diversity criteria, six groups of GPs and nurses were chosen for a participatory action research. Participants performed a SWOT analysis of their IPC to identify strengths and weaknesses of their collaboration practice configurations. Main factors limiting IPC were related to the type of financing system which impeded or facilitated multidisciplinary team meetings, a weak functional integration, and a lack of interprofessional education. Overall, communication and task delegation were co-identified as common priorities. Actions prioritized by each group were related to these two priorities and accounted for local, specific needs. Communication could be supported through improved tools and dedicating time for multidisciplinary team meetings. Task delegation was more challenging and raised questions related to nurses' training, legislation, and payment systems. IPC seems to be easier to achieve when healthcare professionals belong to the same organization and consider themselves a team.
Disciplines :
General & internal medicine
Author, co-author :
Karam, Marlène ; Université catholique de Louvain, Faculty of Public Health, Institute of Health and society, Brussels, Belgium
Macq, Jean; Université catholique de Louvain, Faculty of Public Health, Institute of Health and society, Brussels, Belgium
Duchesnes, Christiane ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences cliniques > Médecine générale
Crismer, André ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences cliniques > Médecine générale
Belche, Jean Luc ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Soins primaires et santé
Language :
Title :
Interprofessional collaboration between general practitioners and primary care nurses in Belgium: a participatory action research.
Alternative titles :
[fr] Collaboration interprofessionnelle entre médecins généralistes et infirmières à domicile en Belgique: une recherche-action participative
This research was supported by the Ministry of Public Works, Social Action, Health and Heritage of the Walloon Region in Belgium. The authors would like to thank all participants, including the professionals, steering committee and experts who were consulted for this research.
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