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From the complexity of brain organization to challenges in brain-behaviour mapping
Genon, Sarah
2022OHBM 2022


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Abstract :
[en] Understanding brain-behaviour relationships in humans remains as one of the most complex scientific question. For a few decades, data offered by neuroimaging approaches, in particular MRI, have been under intense scientific investigations and methodological questioning. These have highlighted continuous challenges and open questions. Several principles and challenges in studying brain organization and brain-behaviour relationships will be illustrated here by one of the most studied brain region, the hippocampus. Beyond regional mapping, multivariate brain mapping to behaviour has more recently opened new perspectives by revealing complex patterns of brain-behaviour relationships. However, these approaches also come with their own challenges. In that framework, I will here point to two major questions tackled in our studies: generalizability and interpretability.
Disciplines :
Neurosciences & behavior
Author, co-author :
Genon, Sarah ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences cliniques > Neuroimagerie des troubles de la mémoire et revalidation cognitive
Language :
Title :
From the complexity of brain organization to challenges in brain-behaviour mapping
Publication date :
20 June 2022
Event name :
OHBM 2022
Event date :
By request :
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Available on ORBi :
since 23 June 2022


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