[en] Parenteral nutrition is used to treat children that cannot be fully fed by the enteral route. While the revised ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/CSPEN pediatric parenteral nutrition guidelines provide clear guidance on the use of parenteral nutrition in neonates, infants, and children based on current available evidence, they have helped to crystallize areas where research is lacking or more studies are needed in order to refine recommendations. This paper collates and discusses the research gaps identified by the authors of each section of the guidelines and considers each nutrient or group of nutrients in turn, together with aspects around delivery and organization. The 99 research priorities identified were then ranked in order of importance by clinicians and researchers working in the field using a survey methodology. The highest ranked priority was the need to understand the relationship between total energy intake, rapid catch-up growth, later metabolic function, and neurocognitive outcomes. Research into the optimal intakes of macronutrients needed in order to achieve optimal outcomes also featured prominently. Identifying research priorities in PN should enable research to be focussed on addressing key issues. Multicentre trials, better definition of exposure and outcome variables, and long-term metabolic and developmental follow-up will be key to achieving this. IMPACT: The recent ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/CSPEN guidelines for pediatric parenteral nutrition provided updated guidance for providing parenteral nutrition to infants and children, including recommendations for practice. However, in several areas there was a lack of evidence to guide practice, or research questions that remained unanswered. This paper summarizes the key priorities for research in pediatric parenteral nutrition, and ranks them in order of importance according to expert opinion.
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Author, co-author :
Johnson, Mark J; Department of Neonatal Medicine, University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust, Southampton, UK. m.johnson@soton.ac.uk ; National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre Southampton, University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust and University of Southampton, Southampton, UK. m.johnson@soton.ac.uk
Lapillonne, Alexandre; Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital, Paris University, Paris, France ; France and CNRC, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA
Bronsky, Jiri; Department of Paediatrics, University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic
Domellof, Magnus; Department of Clinical Sciences, Pediatrics, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
Embleton, Nicholas; Neonatal Unit, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK ; Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Iacobelli, Silvia; Department of Neonatal Intensive Care, CHU La Réunion, Saint Pierre, France
Joosten, Koen; Erasmus MC-Sophia Children's Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Kolacek, Sanja; Children's Hospital, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia
Mihatsch, Walter A; Department of Pediatrics Ulm University, Ulm, and Neu-Ulm University of Applies Sciences, Neu-Ulm, Germany
Moltu, Sissel J; Department of Neonatal Intensive Care, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Puntis, John W L; The General Infirmary at Leeds, Leeds, UK
Riskin, Arieh; Bnai Zion Medical Center, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel
Shamir, Raanan; Institute of Gastroenterology, Nutrition and Liver Diseases, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Tabbers, Merit M; Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit, Emma Children's Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Van Goudoever, Johannes B; Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit, Emma Children's Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Saenz de Pipaon, Miguel; Department of Neonatology, La Paz University Hospital, Red De Salud Materno Infantil Y Desarrollo E Samid, Universidad Autonoma De Madrid, Madrid, Spain
ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/CSPEN Working Group on Pediatric Parenteral Nutrition
Senterre, Thibault ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences de la santé publique
This study was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds of the State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, the National Nature Science Foundation in China (Grants No. 81300785; 81170865; 30901642).
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