[en] Potato sprouting during storage occurs after a break in dormancy, leading to a decrease in quality and consequently economic losses. We used 3379 records from multi-year and multi-environment trials of 537 potato varieties to identify the main factors driving potato dormancy and to develop predictive models for an efficient sprouting forecast. The variety explained the majority of the dormancy variability (60.3%), followed by the year (13.9%) and the location (5.4%). About 250 predictors were considered to develop a predictive model of potato dormancy. The selected model had a validation precision of 14.59 days; it used the variety class and the sum of the daily maximum temperatures in the air during the period from planting to harvest as predictors. The predictions of the selected model were supported by results of the in vivo trial using dormancy measurements from potato varieties grown under different temperature regimes in greenhouse conditions. With the growing impact of climate change on crop production, predictive models as developed here can provide an efficient and cost-effective tool to optimize the control of potato sprouting during storage.
Disciplines :
Agriculture & agronomy
Author, co-author :
Visse-Mansiaux, Margot ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech > Doct. sc. agro. & ingé. biol. (Paysage) ; Agroscope, Swiss Confederation's center for agricultural research, Plants and Plant Products Competence Division, Varieties and Production Techniques research group, Nyon, Switzerland
Soyeurt, Hélène ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département GxABT
Herrera, Juan Manuel; Agroscope, Swiss Confederation's center for agricultural research, Plants and Plant Products Competence Division, Varieties and Production Techniques research group, Nyon, Switzerland
Torche, Jean-Marie; Agroscope, Swiss Confederation's center for agricultural research, Plants and Plant Products Competence Division, Varieties and Production Techniques research group, Nyon, Switzerland
Vanderschuren, Hervé ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département GxABT > Plant Sciences ; Tropical Crop Improvement Laboratory, Biosystems Department, KU Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium
Dupuis, Brice; Agroscope, Swiss Confederation's center for agricultural research, Plants and Plant Products Competence Division, Varieties and Production Techniques research group, Nyon, Switzerland
Language :
Title :
Prediction of potato sprouting during storage
Alternative titles :
[fr] Prédiction de la dormance des pommes de terre pendant le stockage
Original title :
[en] Prediction of potato sprouting during storage
This work was supported through Innosuisse – the Swiss Innovation Agency (grant number 17865.2 PFLS-LS ), Fenaco, Zweifel and Swisspatat in Switzerland, as well as the Ministry of Walloon Region (EUREKA grant from the SPW6 ), and UPL Benelux in Belgium .
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