[en] Mining dumps, particularly inactive or abandoned mines located near makeshift mining towns, have significant
environmental and social impacts. The Touissit-Boubker lead mine, operated for years by the Touissit Mining
Company (CMT) and abandoned without rehabilitation, is an example of this socio-economic and environmental
collapse. Large quantities of harmful solid waste containing clayey aggregates rich in lead sulphide have been
dumped in dykes on the edge of the village of Touissit. These mining wastes were rewashed to extract galena
causing a depletion of lead sulphide. The objective of this study is to evaluate the possibility of using washed mining waste as sandy aggregate for the manufacture of masonry mortar. Cylindrical mortar tests, made with various
proportions of sand and mine waste were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and
mechanical analysis by uni-axial compressive strength after curing for 3, 14, 28 and 60 days. The results obtained
revealed that the mining waste consists of dolomite, quartz and clay. The dehydration rate of the mortar specimens
is strongly affected by the amount of the waste added and the grain size. The mechanical strength of the mortar
specimens mostly depends on the grain-size of the aggregates than on the amount of mine waste added. The microstructure of the mortar did not change when sand was replaced by mine waste of the same g
Disciplines :
Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
El Khazanti, Faiçal; Laboratory Physico-Chemistry of Processes and Materials (PCPM), Geology of Mining and Energy Resources (GRME), Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Hassan First University of Settat, 50 Rue Ibnou Lhaytham B.P. 577, 26002, Settat, Morocco > geologie
Ahmed Rachid; Laboratory Physico-Chemistry of Processes and Materials (PCPM), Geology of Mining and Energy Resources (GRME), Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Hassan First University of Settat, 50 Rue Ibnou Lhaytham B.P. 577, 26002, Settat, Morocco > geologie
Hicham Nasri; Applied Geosciences Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, University Mohammed First, Mohammed V avenue, Oujda, P.O. Box 60000, Morocco
Yassine Ettayea; Laboratory Physico-Chemistry of Processes and Materials (PCPM), Geology of Mining and Energy Resources (GRME), Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Hassan First University of Settat, 50 Rue Ibnou Lhaytham B.P. 577, 26002, Settat, Morocco
El Ouahabi, Meriam ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géologie > Argiles, géochimie et environnements sédimentaires
El Khadir Gharibi; Laboratory of Applied Chemistry and Environment, Mineral Solid Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed First University, Mohammed V avenue, Oujda 60000, Morocco
Language :
Title :
Assessment of a Mining-Waste Dump of Galena Mine in the East of Morocco for Possible Use in Civil Engineering
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