Oncology; Radiation oncology; head and neck cancers; larynx carcinoma; hypofractionation; split-course irradiation; radiotherapy tolerance; Oncologie; radiothérapie oncologie; cancers de la tête et du cou; cancer du larynx; hypofractionnement; radiothérapie concentrée discontinue; tolérance à la radiothérapie
Abstract :
[en] More than 200 advanced larynx cancer patients were treated by a hypofractionated split-course radiotherapy (12x4 Gy / 6 weeks). Five years survival for T3+T4 glottic cancers amounts to 46% and to 43% for T3+T4 supraglottic localisations. Acute side-effects remained quite acceptable and the late complications were unfrequent as compared to our own historical controls. Besides oncological results, this method has also social and economic advantages.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Deneufbourg, Jean-Marie ; ULiège - Université de Liège > Hôpital universitaire de Bavière à Liège > Service de Radiothérapie
Language :
Title :
Split-course irradiation of larynx carcinoma : long term results and tolerance
Publication date :
June 1985
Event name :
3rd European Conference on Clinical Oncology ECCO 3
Event organizer :
Federation of European Cancer Societies
Event place :
Stockholm, Sweden
Event date :
16 - 20 juin 1985
Event number :
Audience :
Main work title :
Book of Abstracts
Editor :
Einhorn, Jerzy; KI - Karolinska Institutet > Radiation Oncoloy Department