Descriptive Political Representation of Latin Americans in Spanish Local Politics: Demographic Concentration, Political Opportunities, and Parties’ Inclusiveness
candidates; descriptive political representation; immigration; Latin Americans; local elections; Spain; Social Psychology; Cultural Studies; Education; Sociology and Political Science; Social Sciences (all); General Social Sciences
Abstract :
[en] Latin Americans represent one of the most sizable migrant communities in Spain. Yet, unlike other minority groups, they count with longer migration tradition, linguistic and cultural similarities with the Spanish population, and easier access to Spanish nationality. Drawing on original data covering a large number of candidates (N = 5,055), this article examines whether this apparently favorable configuration guarantees the nomination of candidates from this minority group at local elections in municipalities with strong demographic presence of Latin American residents. Our findings indicate that this group is still underrepresented in Spanish politics. Few Latin American candidates are fielded by political parties, and even fewer (<2%) manage to achieve elected office. To interpret these results, we examine the extent to which Spanish parties field minority candidates. We show that while some parties are proactively including these candidates, only few nominate them in secure positions of the electoral lists and that Spanish parties’ inclusiveness does not seem to be aligned with Latin American voters’ partisan preferences.
Disciplines :
Political science, public administration & international relations
Author, co-author :
Pamies, Carles ; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Pérez-Nievas, Santiago; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Paradés, Marta ; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Language :
Title :
Descriptive Political Representation of Latin Americans in Spanish Local Politics: Demographic Concentration, Political Opportunities, and Parties’ Inclusiveness
We would like to thank all members and collaborators of this project for their assistance with the data collection. We are also indebted to Laura Morales for her insightful comments on the initial design of the questionnaire, as well as to Josep Lobera (leading researcher of the 2017 La Caixa survey) for providing us with the data on Latin Americans? partisan preferences. Finally, we wish to thank the editors of this Special Issue for their useful comments on previous drafts of this article. The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research and/or authorship of this article: This article uses data from the APREPINM Project that received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in the framework of the Call of the National Research Program Oriented to Societal Challenges (reference CSO-2016-79540-R). We would like to thank all members and collaborators of this project for their assistance with the data collection. The article and its open access publication is also based upon work funded by COST Action 16111 EthmigSurveyData ( ), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) and funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union; the University of Oxford; the Universidad Aut?noma de Madrid, and the Casa de Vel?zquez in Madrid.
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