Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous); General Environmental Science
Abstract :
[en] Extreme events will become more common due to global change, requiring enhanced monitoring and pushing conventional observation networks to their limits. This encourages us to combine all the possible sources of information to obtain a complete picture of extreme events and their evolution. This commentary builds on an example of the July 2021 catastrophic floods that hit northwest Europe, for which the use of seismometer and gravimeter captures complementary data and brings a new understanding of the event and
its dynamics. A sudden increase in seismic noise coincides with the testimony reporting on a “tsunami” downstream of the geophysical station. Concurrently, the gravimeter showed increasing saturation of the weathered zone, showing less and less water accumulation and increasing runoff. When rain re-intensified after a 3-hr break, the subsoil's saturation state induced an accelerated runoff increase, as revealed by the river flow, in a much stronger way than during the rainy episodes just before. We show that the gravimeter detected the
saturation of the catchment subsoil and soil in real-time. When the rain re-intensified, this saturation resulted in a sudden, devastating, and deadly flood. Our study opens up the possibility of integrating real-time gravity in early warning systems for such events.
Disciplines :
Geological, petroleum & mining engineering
Author, co-author :
Van Camp, Michel ; Seismology‐Gravimetry Royal Observatory of Belgium Uccle Belgium
Viron, Olivier ; Littoral Environnement et Sociétés—LIENSs La Rochelle Université CNRS La Rochelle France
Dassargues, Alain ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Urban and Environmental Engineering
Delobbe, Laurent; Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium Uccle Belgium
Chanard, Kristel; Université de Paris—IPGP Paris France
Gobron, Kevin; Seismology‐Gravimetry Royal Observatory of Belgium Uccle Belgium
Language :
Title :
Extreme Hydrometeorological Events, a Challenge for Gravimetric and Seismology Networks
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