biomass; cyclic carbonates; deoxydehydration; platform chemicals; polyols; Bio-based; Biomacromolecule; Biorefining; Industrial potentials; Infinite reservoirs; Lower complexity; Platform molecules; Renewable resource; Sustainable resources; Vicinal diols; Environmental Chemistry; Chemical Engineering (all); Materials Science (all); Energy (all); General Energy; General Materials Science; General Chemical Engineering
Abstract :
[en] The previous decade has witnessed a drastic increase of European incentives aimed at pushing forward the transition from an exclusively petro-based economy toward a strong and homogeneous bio-based economy. Since 2012, numerous programs have been developed to stimulate and promote research and innovation relying on sustainable and renewable resources. Terrestrial biomass is a virtually infinite reservoir of biomacromolecules, the biorefining of which provides platform molecules of low complexity yet with tremendous industrial potential. Among such bio-based platform molecules, polyols and, more specifically, molecules featuring vicinal diols have gained tremendous interest and have stimulated an increasing research effort from the chemistry and chemical engineering communities. This Review revolves around the most promising process conditions and technologies reported since 2012 that specifically target bio-based vicinal diols and promote their transformation into value-added molecules of wide industrial interest, such as olefins, epoxides, cyclic carbonates, and ketals.
Research Center/Unit :
MolSys - Molecular Systems - ULiège
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Muzyka, Claire ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Molecular Systems (MolSys)
Monbaliu, Jean-Christophe ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de chimie (sciences) > Center for Integrated Technology and Organic Synthesis
Language :
Title :
Perspectives for the Upgrading of Bio-Based Vicinal Diols within the Developing European Bioeconomy.
The overall European Bioeconomy strategy generates a turnover around € 2.3 trillion and an added value worth € 620 million, however, the current situation is still far from what was expected by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). While this overall strategy is a critical pillar toward a transition for an increased sustainability, the spreading and understanding of this strategy only started a decade ago, although its first mention already dates back to 1987 (Figure 1 ). The original report published by the World Commission on Environment and Development highlighted the urgent need to transition toward sustainable development and introduced the concept of bio‐based economy or Bioeconomy. In Europe, the early 2000s witnessed the inception of the term Bioeconomy, also known as knowledge‐based Bioeconomy, within the political sphere. It then rapidly became a major objective and was launched as global strategy advocated by the European Union. The foundations of Bioeconomy were set during several European Commission (EC) strategical agendas. To name a few examples, the White Paper (1993) stressed the key role played by biotechnologies in innovation and growth and the Lisboa Agenda (2000) aimed at boosting the EU economy through knowledge and innovations. Later in 2002, EC acknowledged life science and biotechnologies as the milestones to fulfill the main objectives of the Lisboa Agenda. Following up these strategical agendas, the sourcing and upgrading of bio‐based products were identified as one of the 6 key sectors for setting new paradigms for the overall European market by the Lead Market initiative, a policy promoting EU Bioeconomy between 2007–2013. Similarly, Horizon 2020 (H2020), a major EU research and innovation program (2014–2020), attempted to secure EU global competitiveness through the funding of world‐class public/private collaborative research programs aimed at unlocking innovation. H2020 relied on an approximate budget of € 80 billion with supplemental private investments. In the continuity of this project, Horizon Europe took over in early 2021 and will spread over 7 years with an even higher strike power compared to H2020, reaching € 95.5 billion. More than half of this budget will be dedicated to modernizing and accelerating green and digital transitions, as well as to strengthening Europe's resilience and crisis preparedness, its competitiveness and its leadership. Such momentum and overall strategy fall under the umbrella of a much broader strategic EU instrument, that is, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), which stimulates the creation and development of top‐notch research facilities to “develop the scientific integration of Europe and to strengthen its international outreach”. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]This work was supported by the University of Liège (Welcome Grant WG‐13/03, JCMM) and the F.R.S.‐FNRS (Incentive grant for scientific research MIS F453020F and CDR J.0133.21, JCMM).
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