Kisho Kurokawa, Metabolism in Architecture (London: Studio Vista, 1977), 10.
Herman Hertzberger, ‘Open Systems’, in Structuralism Reloaded: Rule-Based Design in Architecture and Urbanism, ed. Tomas Valena, Tom Avermaete and Georg Vrachliotis (London/Stuttgart: Edition Axel Menges, 2011), 170.
Herman Hertzberger, ‘Transformation + Accommodation’ (lecture, University of Seville, December 2015), 11, pdf.
Hertzberger, ‘Transformation + Accommodation’, 5.
Robert Kronenburg, Flexible: Une architecture pour répondre au changement (Paris: Norma Editions, 2007), 13. All translations from the French are by the author.
John Weeks, ‘Indeterminate Architecture’, The Transactions of the Bartlett Society, Volume 2 (London: Bartlett School of Architecture, 1964), 91.
N. John Habraken, ‘Open Building as a Condition for Industrial Construction’ (lecture published in the Proceedings of the 20th ISARC, Eindhoven, 2003), 37.
N. John Habraken, ‘Open Building: Brief Introduction’,
Stephen Kendall, ‘Open Building Concepts’,
Kengo Kuma, Jun Sato and Akihisa Hirata, ‘Beyond Deterministic Systems’, The Japan Architect no. 83 (Autumn 2011): 4.
In 2011, the September issue of OASE magazine addressed this issue of uncertainty in architecture, and thus by extrapolation of indeterminacy. The editors of the issue argued that in the context of continuing economic instability since the 2008 financial crisis, rapidly changing political, social and economic parameters have had a negative effect on architectural design, which is usually created for the long term. See Klaske Havik, Véronique Patteeuw and Hans Teerds, ‘Editorial, Productive Uncertainty/Indeterminacy in Spatial Design, Planning and Management’, OASE no. 85 (2011): 3–5.
Jacques Lucan, ‘Fundstücke: Aneignung der Natur – über die äussere Erscheinung hinaus’, Werk, bauen + wohnen no.10 (2005): 4–7.
In agreement with Royston Landau’s interpretation, Jorge Mejia Hernandez indicates that at the level of formal heuristics, the instruments and methods employed operate in at least four well-known areas of architectural exploration, evaluation and discovery: geometry, patterns, configurations and the processes that occur in forms. Jorge Mejia Hernandez, ‘Transactions; or Architecture as a System of Research Programs’ (PhD dissertation, TU Delft, 2018), 91.
Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand, Précis des leçons données à l’Ecole polytechnique (Paris, 1802), foreword, VI.
Julien Guadet in the foreword to Henry Guesdy, L’Enseignement à l’Ecole nationale et spéciale des beaux-arts – section d’architecture (Paris, 1899), III.
Max Risselada, ‘Introduction’, in Raumplan versus Plan Libre: Adolf Loos and Le Corbusier, 1919– 1930, ed. Max Risselada (New York: Rizzoli, 1988), 6.
Max Risselada, ‘Documentation of 16 houses’, ibid., 78.
Adolf Loos, ‘Obituary for Josef Veillich’ quoted in Risselada, ibid.
Heinrich Kulka quoted in Risselada, ibid., 79.
Adolf Loos, ‘The Principle of Cladding’, trans. Francis R. Jones., ibid., 141. Original text ‘Von der Sparsamkeit’, compiled by Bohuslav Markalous from Wohnungskultur 2/3 (1924).
Oscar Hansen, ‘La forme ouverte dans l’architecture – l’art du grand nombre’, Le Carré Bleu, no. 1 (1961).
Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret, ‘Les cinq points d’une architecture nouvelle’, 27 July 1927, typed text sent to Alfred Roth. This text is published as a facsimile in Assemblage no. 4 (October 1987): 82–93.
Le Corbusier, Précisions sur un état présent de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme (Paris, 1994), 123.
Le Corbusier, ‘Où en est l’architecture?’, L’Architecture vivante (Autumn and Winter 1927): 24.
Georges Candilis, ‘Proposition pour un habitat évolutif’, Le Carré Bleu, no.2 (1959).
Ron Dulaney Sinclair, Somayeh Mousazadeh and Ghazaleh Safarzadeh, ‘Agility, Adaptability + Appropriateness: Conceiving, Crafting and Constructing an Architecture of the 21st Century’, Enquiry: The ARCC Journal for Architectural Research 9, no.1 (December 2012): 36–37.
Bernard Leupen, Frame and Generic Space: A Study into the Changeable Dwelling Proceeding from the Permanent (Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 2006).
Sinclair, Mousazadeh and Safarzadeh, ‘Agility’, 37.
Rem Koolhaas, untitled lecture given at TU Delft on 10 April 1987, published in Indesem 87: International Design Seminar (Delft, 1988), 212,
Rem Koolhaas, ‘Bigness or the Problem of Large’, in S, M, L, XL, ed. O.M.A., Rem Koolhaas and Bruce Mau (New York: The Monacelli Press), 501.
Rem Koolhaas, ‘Typical Plan’, in S, M, L, XL, 340.
Rem Koolhaas, ‘Typical Plan’, in S, M, L, XL, 342.
Rem Koolhaas, ‘Typical Plan’, in S, M, L, XL, 338.
Koolhaas, Indesem 87, 212.
Alejandro Zaera Polo, ‘Finding Freedoms: Conversations with Rem Koolhaas’, El Croquis no. 53 (1992): 16.
Le Corbusier’s brief comment on Villa Garches’s structural principle in L’architecture vivante (Spring/ Summer 1929): 32.
Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries, ‘The Functionmixer’, El Croquis no. 111 (2002): 26.
MVRDV, Berlin Voids project description,
MVRDV, project description for the Dutch Pavilion for Expo 2000, El Croquis no. 111 (2002): 43.
MVRDV, project description for DNB Headquarters, Central Building, El Croquis no. 173 (2014): 208.
Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt, Multitude: Guerre et démocratie à l’âge de l’Empire (Paris: La Découverte, 2004), 132.
MVRDV, project description for the Dutch Pavilion for Expo 2000, El Croquis, no.111, 43.
Jacob Van Rijs interview,
Cristina Diaz Moreno and Efren Garcia Grinda, ‘Redefining the Tools of Radicalism: In Conversation with Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries’, El Croquis no. 111 (2002): 14.
Rem Koolhaas, Delirious New York (New York: The Monacelli Press, 1978), 296.
Alison and Peter Smithson, ‘The New Brutalism’, Architectural Design no. 25 (January 1955): 1.
Louis I. Kahn, ‘La pièce, la rue et le contrat humain’, in Silence et lumière: choix de conférences et d’entretiens 1955–1974, ed. Louis I. Kahn, (Paris, Éditions du Linteau, 1996), 225.
Louis I. Kahn, ‘L’Architecture’, in Silence et lumière, 254–55.
Louis I. Kahn, ‘L’ordre’, in Silence et lumière, 19.
Robert Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, 2nd. ed. (New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1977), 34.
Peter Cook, ‘Indeterminacy – Relaxed Scene,’ Archigram no. 8 (1968).
Alejandro Zaera, ‘A conversation with Kazyuo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa’, El Croquis no. 77(I)+99 (2000), 15.
Hans Ulrich Obrist, Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, SANAA The Conversation Series (Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung König, 2012), 13.
See project description in El Croquis, no. 77(I)+99, 289.
The choice of measurement is in line with the functional indeterminacy of the room evoked by Aldo Rossi and referred to by the architects. The Belgian architects refer to Rossi in an interview between Joachim Declerck and Office KGDVS, and insist, based on Aldo Rossi's description of a room, that it is ‘a room with a table and a few chairs, with no particular destination. This room is beautiful because it is spacious and nicely proportioned. It frames the space’. This relationship to the circumscription of space is important to Office KGDVS, as is the attention to experience within defined spaces. ‘Architecture Is Itself. Une conversation entre Joachim Declerck, Kersten Geers et David Van Severen’, in 35m3 Installatie/Installation/Installation. Office Kersten Geers David Van Severen, exhibition catalogue (Antwerp: 2005), 46. Rossi describes the room that Office KGDVS refers to in: Aldo Rossi, A Scientific Autobiography (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1981), 29.
Project description in El Croquis no. 185 (2016): 236.
Enrique Walker, ‘A conversation with Kersten Geers and David Van Severen’, in El Croquis no.185 (2016): 15.
Obituary for Josef Veillich quoted in Raumplan versus Plan Libre, ed. Max Risselada, ibid., 77.
See project description in El Croquis, no. 151 (2010): 122.
Bruno Marchand and Lorraine Beaudoin, eds., Contextes: le logements contemporain en situation (Lausanne: Epfl Press, 2021), 14–15.
Andrew Rabeneck, David Sheppard and Peter Town, ‘Housing: Flexibility/Adaptability?’, Architectural Design (February 1974): 86–87.
Kronenburg, Flexible, 16.
Jacques Lucan, Habiter: ville et architecture (Lausanne: Epfl Press, 2021), 387.
Quoted in Aurélie Toninato, ‘Faire de la ville une salle polyvalente’, Tribune de Genvève no. 7 (April 2021).
See project description for Unité(s) +,
Heinrich Kulka quoted in Raumplan versus Plan Libre, ed. Risselada, 79
‘Observatoire des bureaux. État des lieux 2016, 2017 et pipeline – Zoom sur la ZIR Louise’, perspective. brussels no. 38 (June 2019): 75.