Miombo woodland, an ecosystem at risk of disappearance in the Lufira Biosphere Reserve (Upper Katanga, DR Congo)? A 39-years analysis based on Landsat images
Sikuzani, Yannick Useni; Muteya, Héritier Khoji; Bogaert, Jan
2020 • In Global Ecology and Conservation, 24, p. 01333
[en] Lufira Biosphere Reserve (LBR) is a protected area located in Southeastern DR Congo, created for the conservation of Miombo woodland, an ecosystem threatened by anthropogenic activities developed in the region. However, scientific studies regarding land cover dynamics within the LBR are non-existent to date. This study maps and quantifies the land cover dynamics within and around the LBR, based on diachronic analysis of five Landsat images (1979, 1986, 1998, 2008 and 2018) and field verification missions. Landscape metrics were utilized to understand changes in landscape pattern. The results indicate that Miombo woodland area have been reduced by a factor of three in the LBR, as they covered 11.2 km2 in 2018 compared to 85.3 km2 in 1979. The annual deforestation rate between 1979 and 2018 was 1.8%, almost eight-fold higher than the rate registered at the country level. Within the LBR, this deforestation has been offset by an increase in areas occupied by grassy savanna (+16.9 km2), as well as fields and fallows (+53.3 km2). Further, water and wetland area increased by 17.9 km2 in 39 years whereas the wooded savanna, the bare soil and built-up decreased by 24.9 km2 and 4.0 km2 respectively. In general, analysis of landscape spatial pattern dynamics through landscape metrics, showed a process of creation and aggregation of grassy savanna, water and wetlands, as well as fields and fallows, as opposed to dissection and attrition of Miombo woodland, wooded savanna, bare soil and built-up. Overall, the LBR has undergone a major transformation, mainly due to demographic pressure and the development of subsistence activities in a precarious economic context. The study concludes that in the absence of any land use planning policy, LBR risks losing its status following lost of the rare Miombo woodland patches still existing.
Disciplines :
Environmental sciences & ecology
Author, co-author :
Sikuzani, Yannick Useni; Unité Ecologie, Restauration Ecologique et Paysage, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Congo
Muteya, Héritier Khoji; Unité Ecologie, Restauration Ecologique et Paysage, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Congo
Bogaert, Jan ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département GxABT > Biodiversité et Paysage
Language :
Title :
Miombo woodland, an ecosystem at risk of disappearance in the Lufira Biosphere Reserve (Upper Katanga, DR Congo)? A 39-years analysis based on Landsat images
ARES - Académie de Recherche et d'Enseignement Supérieur
Funding text :
We are grateful to the local Authorities of Kapolowe village for their help during the conduct of the study. The research was funded by the project CHARLU ( ARES-CCD, Belgium) .
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