[en] Recent events such as natural catastrophes or terrorism attacks have highlighted the necessity to ensure the structural integrity of buildings under exceptional events. According to Eurocodes and some different other national design codes, the structural integrity of civil engineering structures should be ensured through appropriate measures but, in most of the cases, no precise practical guidelines on how to achieve this goal are provided. An European RFCS project entitled “Robust structures by joint ductility” has been set up in 2004, for three years, with the aim to provide requirements and practical guidelines allowing to ensure the structural integrity of steel and composite structures under exceptional events through an appropriate robustness. In particular, one substructure test simulating the loss of a column in a composite building will be performed at Liège University. The present paper described first analytical and numerical studies carried out at Liège University as part of this European project.
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Demonceau J.F. & Jaspart J.P. 2006b. From the "actual" composite building to the tested substructure - draft 1. Internal report of the RFCS project "Robust structures by joint ductility - RFS-CR-04046".
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UFC 4-023-03. 2005. Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) - Design of buildings to resist progressive collapse. Department of Defence, USA. 25 January 2005.