Relocalizing Food Systems for Everyone, Everywhere? Reflections on Walloon Initiatives (Belgium)
Bousbaine, Antonia; Schmitz, Serge
2022 • In Barcus, Holly; Jones, Roy; Schmitz, Serge (Eds.) Rural Transformations. Globalization and its Implications for Rural People, Land and Economies
[en] Relocalizing food systems are developing in Belgium, especially in Liège, where the first “food belt” was created. This concept seeks to structure a new local economic chain where consumers and producers are the key players. Initiated by citizens, food belts have recently attracted the attention of local governments and regional political bodies. Based on Ph.D. research that followed the emergence of two food belts in Wallonia, this chapter analyses the governance and spatial issues of food belt creation. This information enables us to identify the agri-urban projects in the two urban areas and analyze the conditions of their emergence and the economic, political, cultural, and geographical constraints impinging on their implementation. If the idea is laudable, then the implementation of food belts first addresses the issues of path dependency of farms and agricultural land and then requires a drastic change in consumer values.
Research Center/Unit :
Laplec Lepur : Centre de Recherche sur la Ville, le Territoire et le Milieu rural - ULiège
Disciplines :
Human geography & demography
Author, co-author :
Bousbaine, Antonia ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géographie > Service de géographie rurale (LAPLEC)
Schmitz, Serge ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géographie > Service de géographie rurale (LAPLEC)
Language :
Title :
Relocalizing Food Systems for Everyone, Everywhere? Reflections on Walloon Initiatives (Belgium)
Publication date :
March 2022
Main work title :
Rural Transformations. Globalization and its Implications for Rural People, Land and Economies
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