Antibiotic prescribing rate after optimal near-patient C-reactive protein testing in acutely ill children presenting to ambulatory care (ARON project): protocol for a cluster-randomized pragmatic trial
Verbakel, Jan; De Burghgraeve, Tine; Van den Bruel, Annet al.
health economics; infectious diseases; paediatrics
Disciplines :
General & internal medicine
Author, co-author :
Verbakel, Jan; KU Leuven > Department of Public Health and Primary Care > Academic Centre for General Practice, EPI-Centre
De Burghgraeve, Tine; KU Leuven > Department of Public Health and Primary Care > Academic Centre for General Practice, EPI-Centre
Van den Bruel, Ann; KU Leuven > Department of Public Health and Primary Care > Academic Centre for General Practice
Coenen, Samuel; Université d'Anvers > Department of Family Medicine & Population Health, Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute
Anthierens, Sybil; Université d'Anvers > Department of Family Medicine & Population Health, Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute
Joly, Louise ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences cliniques > Médecine générale
Laenen, Annouschka; KU Leuven > Department of Public Health and Primary Care > Leuven Institute for Healthcare Policy
Luyten, Jeroen; Université de Gand > Department of Public Health and Primary Care > Leuven Institute for Healthcare Policy
De Sutter, Ann; KU Leuven > Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Department of Family Medicine & Health Policy
Language :
Title :
Antibiotic prescribing rate after optimal near-patient C-reactive protein testing in acutely ill children presenting to ambulatory care (ARON project): protocol for a cluster-randomized pragmatic trial
Publication date :
03 January 2022
Journal title :
BMJ Open
Publisher :
BMJ Publishing Group, United Kingdom
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Funders :
KCE - Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé
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