[en] Having recalled the existence of patches of dense dry forest scattered in the Sudan-Zambesian region, and having defined this formation, the authors note the vegetal groups related to these in the Shaban-Zambian sector of the Zambezian domain. They then study the various leaf characteristics of a dense dry forest characterized by Entandrophragma delevoyi in the Lubumbashi surroundings, namely the leaf surface and the degree of sclerophylly on 78 and 23 species respectively. The leaf anatomy of this latter sample of plants shows three distinct groups, the presence of a complete ring of woody support tissue surrounding the vascular bundle of the midrib having been observed in 74 96 of the sample. The chemical composition of the leaves often species does not show abnormally low amounts. The authors confirm that within this flora exists a tendance towards sclerophylly (a relatively thick lamina, frequent trichome, relatively small leaves, various sclerous tissues, but a relatively rare hypoderm) that they consider to be not linked to a nitrogen deficiency