Article (Scientific journals)
The Use of AI Tools in Criminal Courts: Justice Done and Seen To Be Done?
Franssen, Vanessa; Berrendorf, Alyson
2021In Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal, 92 (1), p. 199-223
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Keywords :
artificial intelligence; criminal law; right to a fair trial; adjudication; transparency; fairness; AI Act; legal certainty; equity; independence; impartiality; business secrecy; effectiveness
Abstract :
[en] Artificial intelligence (hereafter: AI) is impacting all sectors of society these days, including the criminal justice area. AI has indeed become an important tool in this area, whether for citizens seeking justice, legal practitioners or police and judicial authorities. While there is already a large body of literature on the prediction and detection of crime, this article focuses on the current and future role of AI in the adjudication of criminal cases. A distinction will be made between AI systems that facilitate adjudication and those that could, in part or wholly, replace human judges. At each step, we will give some concrete examples and evaluate what are, or could be, the advantages and disadvantages of such systems when used in criminal courts.
Research Center/Unit :
Cité - CITE
Disciplines :
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Criminal law & procedure
Author, co-author :
Franssen, Vanessa ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de droit > Droit pénal et procédure pénale
Berrendorf, Alyson ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de droit > Droit pénal et procédure pénale
Language :
Title :
The Use of AI Tools in Criminal Courts: Justice Done and Seen To Be Done?
Publication date :
November 2021
Journal title :
Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal
Publisher :
Maklu Publishers, Belgium
Special issue title :
Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Automated Decision-Making in Criminal Justice
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Available on ORBi :
since 11 November 2021


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