Article (Scientific journals)
Evaluación del costo de electrificación rural en Bolivia para alcanzar el ODS 7
Fernández, Miguel; Cardozo, Evelyn; Zambrana, Jaime et al.
2021In Journal Boliviano de Ciencias
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi


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Keywords :
Energy system; rural electrification; energy planning
Abstract :
[en] This study quantifies the challenge posed by achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7: Access to Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG7) in Bolivia. The solution proposed by the project estimates the total cost of supplying electricity in all Bolivian populations, considering relevant socioeconomic factors when planning the total coverage for the country. The project has two stages: the first consists of data collection and analysis of the demand, as well as the perception / vision of the populations in relation to the use of energy; the second focuses on the analysis of the information and the generation of results. The collection of field data that contemplate energy demand and the behavior in the use and consumption of energy was carried out in the communities of Raqaypampa (Cochabamba) and El Sena (Pando). They complemented information previously obtained from El Espino (Santa Cruz) and Toconao (Altiplano bordering Chile). The Social Sciences Research Institute (INCISO), ENERGÉTICA and the Energy Research Center (CIE), with the information collected and data on indicators from the SDSN, structured the standard composition of a rural community in Bolivia. With this information, the RAMP demand curve generation program simulated the demands for populations in the low and high areas of Bolivia, then contrasting with different technologies of electrification; Thus, the most efficient cost of the solutions found was calculated. Finally, the cost to fully electrify the Bolivian population was estimated and, in particular, to electrify 100% of the isolated and dispersed population that reaches 587 million dollars, giving coverage to 273,286 rural families.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Fernández, Miguel;  Energetica
Cardozo, Evelyn;  Universidad Mayor de San Simon
Zambrana, Jaime
Peña, Gabriela
Balderrama Subieta, Sergio Luis ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > A&M
Sánchez, Claudia
Soto, Soto
Quoilin, Sylvain  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'aérospatiale et mécanique > Systèmes énergétiques
Language :
Title :
Evaluación del costo de electrificación rural en Bolivia para alcanzar el ODS 7
Publication date :
01 June 2021
Journal title :
Journal Boliviano de Ciencias
Publisher :
Université privée de la Vallée, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Funders :
SDSN Bolivia
Available on ORBi :
since 02 November 2021


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