Paper published in a journal (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
L’exploration des villes: les médiatisations visuelles entre mouvement et temporalité
Dondero, Maria Giulia; D'Armenio, Enzo
2021In Espressione e Contenuto: Rivista dell'Associazione Italiana di Studi Semiotici, XV (31), p. 235-246
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi


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Keywords :
sémiotique visuelle, ville, mouvement; Learning from Las Vegas, Cultural Analytics; Théorie de l'image, théorie de la réalité augmentée; Visual Semiotics, City, mouvement; Image Theory, Augmented Reality
Abstract :
[en] Our paper aims to address the modalities of exploration, data collection and analysis of urban space accomplished through different visual and interactive media. It consists of two parts. In the first part we investigate how artists and scientists have collected visual (and other) data that have been used as documents to study the city. We compare the strategies of data collection and the enunciative strategies of the resulting visualisations. In the second part, we propose a typology of virtual explorations of the city based on media practices implemented via various computer platforms. Virtual reality videos, on the other hand, allow for continuous exploration, organised by a prior staging, which leaves the angle of vision free in immersion. Finally, digital reproductions of cities -including those of video games and Digital Heritage projects - will complete our typology. Video games impose an active exploration of urban spaces, transforming it in accordance with a thematic scripting of movement.
Research Center/Unit :
Traverses - ULiège
Disciplines :
Languages & linguistics
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Art & art history
Author, co-author :
Dondero, Maria Giulia  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de langues et littératures romanes > Sciences du langage - Rhétorique
D'Armenio, Enzo ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de langues et littératures romanes > Sciences du langage - Rhétorique
Language :
Title :
L’exploration des villes: les médiatisations visuelles entre mouvement et temporalité
Publication date :
12 October 2021
Event name :
1er congrès de la Fédération Romane de Sémiotique
Event organizer :
Isabella Pezzini
Event place :
Rome, Italy
Event date :
du 24 au 26 septembre 2020
By request :
Audience :
Journal title :
Espressione e Contenuto: Rivista dell'Associazione Italiana di Studi Semiotici
Publisher :
Associazione Italiana di Studi Semiotici, Palermo, Italy
Special issue title :
Come cambia il senso del luogo. Spazi urbani e ambienti mediali
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Funding text :
Fédération Romane de Sémiotique
Available on ORBi :
since 14 October 2021


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104 (7 by ULiège)
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63 (3 by ULiège)


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