[en] "In the closing session, the Babel Tower discussed preliminary reflections and posed some questions both to Alberto Garlandini, and Bruno Brolon Soares. They have been invited to share their thoughts regarding a possible fil rouge of the Babel Tower, in relation with the debate that is emerging inside ICOM and ICOFOM. How can the issues discussed during the webinars contribute to the broad debate related with a post-pandemic world? What’s the role of the types of museums and practices presented during the series – such as ecomuseums – in this historical phase? What important pieces are missing, but should be incorporated in order to enrich the picture presented in the Babel Tower?" Giusy Pappalardo
Research Center/Unit :
AAP - Art, Archéologie et Patrimoine - ULiège
Disciplines :
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others