Hopmans, J. W.; Dep. of Land, Air, and Water Resources, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616, United States
Javaux, M.; Earth and Life Inst, Environmental Sciences, Université catholique de Louvain, Croix du Sud, 2, L7.05.02, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1348, Belgium
Or, D.; Soil and Terrestrial Environmental Physics, ETH-Zürich, Universitätstrasse 16, Zürich, CHN F 29.1.8092, Switzerland
Roose, T.; Bioengineering Sciences Research Group, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Univ. of Southampton, University Road, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
Amelung, W.; Univ. of Bonn, INRES- Inst. of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, Soil Science and Soil Ecology, Nußallee 13, Bonn, 53115, Germany
Aitkenhead, M.; The James Hutton Inst, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, AB15 8QH, United Kingdom
Allison, S. D.; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology School of Biological Sciences, Univ. of California, Irvine, United States
Assouline, S.; Dep. of Environmental Physics and Irrigation Inst. of Soils, Water and Environment Sciences A.R.O- Volcani Center, PO Box 6, Bet Dagan, 50250, Israel
Finke, P.; Dep. of Geology and Soil Science, Ghent Univ, Krijgslaan 281 WE13, Ghent, B9000, Belgium
Flury, M.; Soil Physics/Vadose Zone Hydrology, Dep. of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State Univ, 2606 W Pioneer, Puyallup, WA 98371-4922, United States
Gaiser, T.; Univ. of Bonn Inst. of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, Katzenburgweg 5, Bonn, 53115, Germany
Govers, G.; Dep. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Div. of Geography, KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200E, Leuven, 3001, Belgium
Ghezzehei, T.; Life and Environmental Science School of Natural Science, 5200 North Lake Road, Merced, CA 95343, United States
Hallett, P.; Inst. of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Univ. of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 3UU, United Kingdom
Franssen, H. J. H.; Agrosphere Inst, IBG-3, Inst. of Bio-geosciences, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany, Centre for High-Performance Scientific Computing in Terrestrial Systems, HPSC TerrSys, Geoverbund ABC/J, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany
Heppell, J.; Bioengineering Sciences Research Group, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Univ. of Southampton, University Road, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
Horn, R.; Inst. for Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, Hermann Rodewaldstr. 2, Kiel, 24118, Germany
Huisman, J. A.; Agrosphere Inst, IBG-3, Inst. of Bio-geosciences, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany, Centre for High-Performance Scientific Computing in Terrestrial Systems, HPSC TerrSys, Geoverbund ABC/J, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany
Huisman, J. A.; Agrosphere Inst, IBG-3, Inst. of Bio-geosciences, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany, Centre for High-Performance Scientific Computing in Terrestrial Systems, HPSC TerrSys, Geoverbund ABC/J, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany
Jacques, D.; Inst. for Environment, Health and Safety, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK-CEN), Mol, Belgium
Jonard, François ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géographie > Systèmes d'information géographiques
Kollet, S.; Agrosphere Inst, IBG-3, Inst. of Bio-geosciences, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany, Centre for High-Performance Scientific Computing in Terrestrial Systems, HPSC TerrSys, Geoverbund ABC/J, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany
Kollet, S.; Agrosphere Inst, IBG-3, Inst. of Bio-geosciences, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany, Centre for High-Performance Scientific Computing in Terrestrial Systems, HPSC TerrSys, Geoverbund ABC/J, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany
Lafolie, F.; INRA, UMR1114 EMMAH, Avignon Cedex 9, F-84914, France
Lamorski, K.; Inst. of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Doświadczalna Str. 4, Lublin, 20-290, Poland
Leitner, D.; Univ. of Vienna, Computational Science Center, Oskar Morgenstern-Platz 1, Vienna, 1090, Austria
Mcbratney, A.; Dep. of Environmental Sciences, The Univ. of SydneyNSW 2006, Australia
Minasny, B.; Dep. of Environmental Sciences, The Univ. of SydneyNSW 2006, Australia
Nowak, W.; Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Wasser- und Umweltsystemmodellierung (IWS), Lehrstuhl für Stochastische Simulation und Sicherheitsforschung für Hydrosysteme, Germany
Pachepsky, Y.; Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Laboratory, USDA ARS Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD 20705, United States
Padarian, J.; Dep. of Environmental Sciences, The Univ. of SydneyNSW 2006, Australia
Romano, N.; Univ. of Naples Federico II, Dep. of Agronomy, AFBE Division, Via Universita' n. 100, Portici, Napoli, 80055, Italy
Roth, K.; Inst. of Environmental Physics, Im Neuenheimer Feld 229, Heidelberg, 69120, Germany
Rothfuss, Youri ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département GxABT > Echanges Eau - Sol - Plantes
Rowe, E. C.; Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Environment Centre Wales, Deiniol Road, Bangor, LL57 2UW, United Kingdom
Schwen, A.; Institut für Hydraulik und landeskulturelle Wasserwirtschaft, Nußdorfer Lände 11, Wien, 1190, Australia
Šimůnek, J.; Dep. of Environmental Sciences, Univ. of California Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521, United States
Van Dam, J.; WU Environmental Sciences, Soil Physics and Land Management, PO Box 47, Wageningen, 6700AA, Netherlands
van der Zee, S. E. A. T. M.; WU Environmental Sciences, Soil Physics and Land Management, PO Box 47, Wageningen, 6700AA, Netherlands, School of Chemistry, Monash Univ, Melbourne, VIC 3800, Australia
Vogel, H. J.; Dep. Soil Physics, UFZ, Theodor-Lieser- Straße 4, Halle (Saale), 06120, Germany
Vrugt, J. A.; Dep. of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Dep. of Earth System Science, Univ. of California, Irvine, CA, United States
Vrugt, J. A.; Inst. for Biodiversity and Ecosystem dynamics, Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wöhling, T.; Technische Universität Wöhling Dresden, Dep. of Hydrology, Dresden, 01069, Germany, Water and Earth System Science (WESS) Competence Cluster, Univ. of Tübingen, Inst. for Geoscience, Tübingen, 72076, Germany, Lincoln Agritech Ltd, Ruakura Research Centre, Hamilton, 3240, New Zealand
Wöhling, T.; Technische Universität Wöhling Dresden, Dep. of Hydrology, Dresden, 01069, Germany, Water and Earth System Science (WESS) Competence Cluster, Univ. of Tübingen, Inst. for Geoscience, Tübingen, 72076, Germany, Lincoln Agritech Ltd, Ruakura Research Centre, Hamilton, 3240, New Zealand
Wöhling, T.; Technische Universität Wöhling Dresden, Dep. of Hydrology, Dresden, 01069, Germany, Water and Earth System Science (WESS) Competence Cluster, Univ. of Tübingen, Inst. for Geoscience, Tübingen, 72076, Germany, Lincoln Agritech Ltd, Ruakura Research Centre, Hamilton, 3240, New Zealand
Young, I. M.; School of Environmental and Rural Science, Univ. of New England, Australia
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