Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Using a Reputation Framework to Identify Community Leaders in Ontology Engineering
Debruyne, Christophe; Nijs, Niels
2013 • In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2013 Conferences - Confederated International Conferences: CoopIS, DOA-Trusted Cloud and ODBASE 2013, Graz, Austria, September 9-13, 2013. Proceedings
Using a Reputation Framework to Identify Community Leaders in Ontology Engineering
Publication date :
Event name :
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2013 Conferences - Confederated International Conferences: CoopIS, DOA-Trusted Cloud, and ODBASE 2013
Event date :
September 9-13, 2013
Main work title :
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2013 Conferences - Confederated International Conferences: CoopIS, DOA-Trusted Cloud and ODBASE 2013, Graz, Austria, September 9-13, 2013. Proceedings
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