Predicting the site-specific distribution of agrochemical spray deposition in vineyards at multiple phenological stages using 2D LiDAR-based primary canopy attributes
[en] Predicting the dose to be applied on the basis of the structural characteristics of the plant canopy is a crucial step
for the optimization of the spraying process. Mobile 2D LiDAR sensor data and local measurements of deposition
rates from a face-to-face sprayer were made across eight fields in two Mediterranean vineyards at four dates in
2016 and 2017. Primary canopy attributes (height, width and density) were calculated from the LiDAR sensor
data and the leaf wall area (LWA) determined. Multivariate models to predict the deposition distribution, as
deciles, as a function of the primary canopy attributes were constructed and calibrated using the 2017 data and
validated against the 2016 data. The prediction quality and uncertainty of these multivariate statistical models at
various stages of growth was evaluated by comparison with a previously proposed univariate deposition models
based on LWA at the same growth stages. The results showed that multivariate models can predict the distribution
of deposits from a typical face-to-face sprayer more accurately (0.76 < R2 < 0.94), and robustly (10% <
nRMSEp < 24%) than LWA-based univariate prediction models over the whole growing season. This improvement
was especially clear for the lowest deciles (D1 to D5) of the deposition distribution. Results also demonstrated
the importance of canopy density to provide relevant and complementary information to canopy
dimensions when predicting deposition deciles with the multivariate models. The improved ability of multivariate
models to predict underestimated deposition ( 1.5% < bias < 3.2%) when compared to univariate
models makes it possible to consider a reduction in the plant protection products while guaranteeing a safety
margin for winegrowers when spraying. These predictive multivariate models could enable variable-rate sprayers
to modulate doses at an intra-plot scale, which would allow a potential reduction in the quantities of plant
protection products to be applied.
Research Center/Unit :
UMT EcotechViti
Disciplines :
Mechanical engineering Agriculture & agronomy
Author, co-author :
Cheraiet, Anice; National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment > AgroEcoSystems
Naud, Olivier; National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment > MatNum > ITAP
Carra, Mathilde; National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment > AgroEcoSystems > ITAP
Codis, Sébastien; French Wine and Vine Institute
Lebeau, Frédéric ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département GxABT > Biosystems Dynamics and Exchanges
Taylor, James; National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment > MatNum > ITAP
Language :
Title :
Predicting the site-specific distribution of agrochemical spray deposition in vineyards at multiple phenological stages using 2D LiDAR-based primary canopy attributes
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