Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Introduction to Computational Design: subsets, challenges in practice and emerging roles
de Boissieu, Aurélie
2022In Bolpagni, Marzia; Gavina, Rui; Ribeiro, Diogo (Eds.) Industry 4.0 for the Built Environment
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
Computational Design; Parametric Design; Generative Design; Algorithmic Design; Data-Driven; Optimization; Interoperability; Superuser
Abstract :
[en] Computation-based approaches have been flourishing in the construction industry for the past years. From experimental practices to mainstream production, usage of digital tools tends to be diverse and versatile. This is especially true for Com-putational Design (CD) which encompasses multiple practices, transforming the future of the industry and its stakeholders. Through the ever-increasing speed and capacity of computers, computation ena-bles dealing with geometries and tasks which were traditionally either too time consuming or too challenging to be accomplished by human alone. However, CD is not just automating existing traditional processes or tedious tasks, it’s about shifting the way we think and design. To better understand how to unlock the opportunities of CD, this chapter dis-cusses: 1- the main subsets of CD, called parametric, generative and algorithmic design; 2 -presents CD’s different toolsets and their evolutions, and finally 3- in-terrogate how CD is integrated in practice, with its emerging roles and skillsets.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
de Boissieu, Aurélie  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège
Language :
Title :
Introduction to Computational Design: subsets, challenges in practice and emerging roles
Publication date :
Main work title :
Industry 4.0 for the Built Environment
Main work alternative title :
[en] Methodologies, Technologies and Skills
Editor :
Bolpagni, Marzia
Gavina, Rui
Ribeiro, Diogo
Publisher :
Springer, New York City, United States
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Available on ORBi :
since 28 July 2021


Number of views
297 (38 by ULiège)
Number of downloads
240 (10 by ULiège)

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