International cooperation; Optical design; Seismology; Space flight; Stars; Computation methods; French space agency; Periodic perturbation; Periodic variation; Research centres; Seismic activity; Small variations; Straylight Analysis; Orbits
F. Paoli, F. Douillet, M. Jouret-Perl, J.B. Dubois, "COROT: a small satellite in low earth orbit for asteroseismology and the search of exoplanets", 50th International Astronautical Congress, 4-8 Oct 1999, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, IAF-99-Q.1.02.
A. Baglin, M. Auvergne, C. Catala, E.Michel and the Corot Team, "Asteroseimology with the Space mission COROT: photometric performances, targets and mission profile", SOHO/GONG workshop, Tenerife, October 2000
JY. Plesseria, E. Mazy, JM. Defise, P. Rochus, E. Lemmens, D. Vrancken, "Optical and mechanical design of a straylight rejection baffle for COROT", Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5170, San Diego, 2003