[en] The accurate solution of the field problem in con- ducting domains presents challenges as the frequency increases, and phenomena such as skin- and proximity effects call for a fine discretization of the computational domain (e.g., finite-element mesh). Hence, the memory resources needed might exceed the available ones, mak- ing the problem computationally prohibitive at higher frequencies.
This paper proposes an inexpensive technique to re- place classically modeled round conductors as points in a finite-element mesh. Although the internal discretiza- tion of wires is disregarded, relevant phenomena such as skin- and proximity effects are taken into account. The proposed method is a hybrid technique that arises from joining the analytical solution of a single wire in isolation into the FE model. This approach is addressed as the semi-analytical model, whereas classically modeled solid-conductors will be addressed as the full model, due to their all-inclusive nature.