Abstract :
[en] Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) has been simulated for the Sunda Strait, the Java Sea, and
the Indian Ocean. The simulation was undertaken for thirteen months of data period (August 2013
– August 2014). However, we only used four months period for validation, namely September –
December 2013. The input data involved the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) ocean
model output by considering atmospheric forcing from the European Centre for Medium-Range
Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), without and with tides forcing from TPXO and rivers. The output
included vertical profile temperature and salinity, sea surface temperature (SST), seas surface
height (SSH), zonal (u), and meridional (v) velocity. We compared the model SST to satellite SST in time series, SSH to tides gauges data in time series, the model u and v component velocity to High Frequency (HF) radial velocity. The vertical profile temperature and salinity were compared to Argo float data and XBT. Besides, we validated the amplitude and phase of the ROMS seas surface height to amplitude and phase of the tides-gauges, including four constituents (M2, S2, K1, O1).
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