Poster (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Mapping user participation/involvement/engagement in design
Yonder, Cigdem
2020L’Ecole Doctorale Thématique AUIAU (EDT 62_Architecture, Urbanisme, Ingénierie Architecturale et Urbaine - ULB/ULg/UCL/UMons)


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Keywords :
participatory design; co-design; human centred design
Abstract :
[en] This study aims to present first results of a systematic mapping study (SMS), related to my PhD project which focuses on the development of operational models, methods and tools to support interactions between architects and end-users in the realm of housing1. The initial project aims to position, discuss, and rethink the possibilities of meaningful interactions between designers and users by focusing on participatory, collective, collaborative design approaches, tools and methods not solely developed in architectural design but also stemming from other relevant design disciplines which may inform architectural design processes. Considering the extensive nature of this investigation, a SMS is first conducted to map the related research landscape, which will offer a background and a framework for a further systematic literature review. From this perspective, this mapping study aims to identify (1) the design concepts related to user participation/involvement/engagement; (2) the landscapes of design: most dominant contexts and areas of study; (3) the diversity and conceptualization of users defined in these studies; (4) insights about methods and tools for user participation/involvement/engagement in design processes.
Research Center/Unit :
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Yonder, Cigdem  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département ArGEnCo > Composition architecturale
Language :
Title :
Mapping user participation/involvement/engagement in design
Publication date :
17 December 2020
Event name :
L’Ecole Doctorale Thématique AUIAU (EDT 62_Architecture, Urbanisme, Ingénierie Architecturale et Urbaine - ULB/ULg/UCL/UMons)
Event date :
Name of the research project :
Funders :
F.R.S.-FNRS - Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique
Available on ORBi :
since 14 May 2021


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