privacy; sampling; methodology; ageing; sexuality; elder abuse and neglect
Abstract :
[en] Because of a growing older population, the sexual health (SH) of older
adults, including sexual violence (SV), is becoming an increasingly important
public health concern. Yet, reliable SV prevalence rates and risk factors are lacking, due to methodological shortcomings in current studies. SV research
involves challenges regarding safety and disclosure, especially in older adults.
In this paper, we reflect on the methods used in a sexual health and violence
(SH&V) study in older adults balancing between privacy rules imposed by
the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ethical and safety
guidelines. To ensure the acceptability of the questionnaire, it was tested in
a two-phase pilot study. To maximize SV disclosure, the questionnaire built
up gradually towards the more sensitive SV modules. Interviewers were
trained to approach participants in a non-judgmental manner. Due to GDPR,
our data collection method was changed from a random sampling via the
National Register to a cluster random probability sampling with a random
walk finding approach. Older adults were willing to discuss SH&V during a
structured face-to-face interview with trained interviewers. Following strict
safety guidelines, no major incidents were reported. The cluster random
probability sampling with random walk finding approach provided an adequate
sampling frame, but was inefficient and time-consuming. Doing research on
SH&V in older adults is feasible but requires a substantial investment of time
and the challenges involved may incur greater costs. In order to guarantee
further research on sensitive topics in older adults, we recommend that
an interdisciplinary expert group consisting of researchers, donors, and
policymakers investigates how GDPR and public health research in hard-to-reach
populations can be better matched.
Research Center/Unit :
Disciplines :
Public health, health care sciences & services
Author, co-author :
Nobels, Anne; Universiteit Gent - UGent > 1International Centre for Reproductive Health, Department of Public Health and Primary Care
Cismaru Inescu, Adina ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences sociales > Département des sciences sociales
Lemmens, Gilbert; Universiteit Gent - UGent > Department of Psychiatry, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium ; Department of Head and Skin – Psychiatry and Medical Psychology, Ghent University, Belgium
Vandeviver, Christophe; Universiteit Gent - UGent > Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium ; Research Foundation—Flanders (FWO), Brussels, Belgium
Keygnaert, Ines; Universiteit Gent - UGent > International Centre for Reproductive Health, Department of Public Health and Primary Care,
Language :
Title :
Challenges in Conducting Sexual Health and Violence Research in Older Adults Beyond the General Data Protection Regulation: A Belgian Case Study
Publication date :
08 May 2021
Journal title :
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Publisher :
SAGE Publications, New York, United States - New York
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