This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Coca‐Salazar, A, Cornelis, J‐T, Carnol, M. Soil properties and microbial processes in response to land‐use change in agricultural highlands of the Central Andes. Eur J Soil Sci. 2021; 1– 16. , which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
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Bolivia; Eucalyptus globulus; hot water extractable carbon; microbial activity; microbial biomass; Solanum tuberosum
Abstract :
[en] Abstract Understanding changes in soil functions in response to land-use change is important for guiding agricultural practices towards sustainable soil management. We evaluated the differences in soil properties (soil organic matter, water extractable carbon (C) and nitrogen (N), microbial biomass, pHKCL and exchangeable cations) and microbial processes (respiration potential, net N mineralization, net nitrification and metabolic potential of soil bacteria), as well as the relative importance of soil properties in explaining changes in processes under three land uses (potato crops, fallow fields and eucalyptus plantations) in the agricultural highlands of the Central Andes. Soils under potato crops were characterized by the highest net N mineralization and net nitrification rates, and extractable phophorus (P), and the lowest microbial biomass P. Conversion to eucalyptus plantations led to an increase in soil organic matter, water extractable C and microbial biomass, and a decrease in extractable P and metabolic diversity of soil bacteria. Higher exchangeable aluminium (Al) indicated soil acidification under eucalyptus. Fallow practices did not lead to major changes in soil properties and microbial processes, indicating that fallow practices for up to 6 years were too short to substantially contribute to soil fertility restoration. Hot water extractable carbon (HWC) showed the best relationship with soil processes (respiration potential, net N mineralization and net nitrification). Our results highlight the necessity of alternative management practices for maintaining soil fertility under potato crops, the drastic modification of soil properties and processes under eucalyptus plantations, and the potential of HWC as a proxy for monitoring land-use-induced changes in soil functions related to C and N cycling. Highlights Effects of conversion from potato crops to eucalyptus and fallow on soil properties and processes were assessed. Under eucalyptus, soil respiration increased; metabolic diversity and N transformations decreased. Short fallow periods did not result in soil fertility restoration. Hot water extractable C was the best indicator of changes in soil processes.
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