Radioimmunoassays of unextracted gonadotrophins in timed fractions of 24-hour urine: morning increase of gonadotrophin excretion, a circadian pattern in relation to puberty
Bourguignon, Jean-Pierre; Vanderschueren-Lodeweyckx, M.; Reuter, al.
Bourguignon, Jean-Pierre ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences cliniques > Département des sciences cliniques
Vanderschueren-Lodeweyckx, M.
Reuter, A.M.
Vrindts-Gevaert, Y.
GERARD, Arlette ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Département de Pédiatrie > Service de pédiatrie
Franchimont, Paul
Language :
Title :
Radioimmunoassays of unextracted gonadotrophins in timed fractions of 24-hour urine: morning increase of gonadotrophin excretion, a circadian pattern in relation to puberty
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