[en] Planktonic gross primary production (GPP), community respiration (CR), and nitrification (NIT) were
measured monthly in the Scheldt estuary by the oxygen incubation method in 2003. No significant evolution of planktonic
GPP was observed since the 1990s with high rates in the freshwater area (salinity 0; 97 6 65 mmol C m22 d21) decreasing
seaward (22–37 mmol C m22 d21). A significant decrease of NIT was observed with regard to previous investigations although
this process still represents up to 20% of total organic matter production in the inner estuary. Planktonic CR was highest in
the inner estuary and seemed to be mainly controlled by external organic matter inputs. Planktonic net community
production was negative most of the time in the estuary with values ranging from 2300 to 165 mmol C m22 d21. Whole
estuary net ecosystem production (NEP) was investigated on an annual scale using the results mentioned above and published
benthic metabolic rates. A NEP of 239 6 8 mmol C m22 d21 was estimated, which confirms the strong heterotrophic status of
this highly nutrified estuary. NEP rates were computed from June to December 2003 to compare with results derived from
the Land-Ocean Interaction in the Coastal Zone budgeting procedure applied to dissolved inorganic phosphorus and carbon
(DIP and DIC). DIP budgets failed to provide realistic estimates in the inner estuary where abiotic processes account for
more than 50% of the nonconservative DIP flux. DIC budgets predicted a much lower NEP than in situ incubations (2109 6
31 versus 242 6 9 mmol C m22 d21) although, as each approach is associated with several critical assumptions, the source of
this discrepancy remains unclear.
Disciplines :
Aquatic sciences & oceanology
Author, co-author :
Gazeau, Frédéric; Université de Paris 6 > Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche
Gattuso, Jean-Pierre; Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) > Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology
Middelburg, Jack J.; Vrije Universiteit Brussel > Department of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
Brion, Natacha
Schiettecatte, Laure-Sophie
Frankignoulle, Michel; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Océanographie chimique
Borges, Alberto ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Océanographie chimique
Language :
Title :
Planktonic and whole system metabolism in a nutrient rich estuary (the Scheldt estuary)
Publication date :
Journal title :
Publisher :
Estuarine Research Federation, Lawrence, United States - Kansas
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