The EU Court of Justice rejects allegations of an abuse of dominance through unfair pricing by the Belgian collective management organisation for copyright (SABAM)
Geuzaine, Brieuc; Roberti, Caterina
2021 • In Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence
EU Competition Law; Abuse of dominance; Collecting societies
Research Center/Unit :
LCII - Liège Competition and Innovation Institute - ULiège
Precision for document type :
Case briefs/Comments on statutes or statutory instruments
Disciplines :
European & international law
Author, co-author :
Geuzaine, Brieuc ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de droit > Droit matériel européen & Droit de la propriété intellectuelle
Roberti, Caterina ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Master spéc. droit europ.
Language :
Title :
The EU Court of Justice rejects allegations of an abuse of dominance through unfair pricing by the Belgian collective management organisation for copyright (SABAM)
Publication date :
March 2021
Journal title :
Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence
Publisher :
Institut du Droit de la Concurrence, Paris, France