[en] Objectives: To develop an experimental protocol to study the vocal effort generated by introducingbarriers to communication, and its relationship with certain personality traits.Material and methods: The experimental protocol consisted of an interactive game in which the sub-ject gave an investigator instructions to adopt various body positions (semi-directed communicationsituation). The Control situation included no constraints on communication. Then a Distance Constraint(increased distance between subject and investigator) and a Time Constraint (generation of performancestress by putting the subject in competition with others) were introduced. The vocal parameters studiedcomprised vocal intensity and fundamental frequency in the middle of the vowel of 3 target phonemes.Subjects also took the NEO FFI-R personality test.Results: The study included 41 women aged between 18 and 52 years. Vocal intensity and fundamentalfrequency increased significantly with the introduction of the constraints (P < 0.05), intensity passingfrom 75.5 dB to 81.8 dB and frequency from 249.4 Hz to 335.8 Hz. No correlations were found betweenthese changes and results for the various personality traits.Conclusions: This ecological protocol enables the impact of both physical and emotional obstacles tocommunication to be studied. No correlations between vocal effort and personality traits emerged. Alarger-scale study would be necessary to analyze the continuum between vocal effort and vocal forcing,to improve speech therapy for dysfunctional dysphonia.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Lagier, Aude ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Autres Services Médicaux > Service d'ORL, d'audiophonologie et de chir. cervico-faciale
Language :
Title :
Acoustic correlates of vocal effort: External factors and personality traits
Publication date :
Journal title :
European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases
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