[en] The paper is about the reception of Louis Hjelmslev’s work by semioticians, from the 1960s to today. I emphasize the “French connection”, through which semioticians have inscribed Hjelmslev’s thought within the broader tradition of “saussurism”, a tradition which structuralism extends to other fields than Linguistics. This reception turned Hjelmslev’s work into a legacy, to be maintained (by publications), to be enhanced (by critical works) and to be developed through new theoretical perspectives and applications to objects other than languages. Hjelmslevian concepts promote a semantic analysis that differs from traditional lexicological study. Furthermore, they raise the level of abstraction of semiotic discourse and give it an “epistemological style”, as exemplified by Hjelmslev’s Prolegomena to a Theory of Language.
Disciplines :
Languages & linguistics
Author, co-author :
Badir, Sémir ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de langues et littératures romanes > Sciences du langage - Rhétorique
Title :
یلمزلف و میراث نشانه شناسی اش
Alternative titles :
[en] Hjelmslev and his Semiotic Legacy
Publication date :
February 2021
Journal title :
Farhang-e Emruz
Volume :
Pages :
Commentary :
Traduction en persan par Amin Shakeri d'un texte original anglais intitulé "Hjelmslev and his Semiotic Legacy" à paraître.