[en] An extensive survey of groundwater quality was performed at the regional scale in peri-urban and industrial contexts of the Walloon Region (Belgium). To this end, 243 sampling locations from 8 areas located in different geological contexts and different peri-urban areas of the region were sampled outside pollution hotspots related to contaminated sites. Each groundwater sample was analyzed for 19 inorganic trace elements, 59 organic micro-pollutants and 8 major and minor elements. Five physico-chemical parameters were measured in the field, at the time of sampling to determine the environmental conditions prevailing in groundwater. Existing groundwater chemical data available outside such peri-urban and industrial areas were also compiled from existing groundwater quality databases for comparison. Most of the organic and inorganic pollutants are detected and their levels of occurrence are described statistically. Cumulative distribution function plots allow comparing the distributions of inorganic trace elements in and outside the urbanized and industrialized areas and among the different prevailing geological contexts. Two indicators are introduced, one quantifying the impact on inorganic trace elements of diffuse pollution in urban and industrial areas, the other reflecting the influence of lithology on concentrations in groundwater. Results show that the composition of groundwater is altered in peri-urban and industrial areas with increased concentrations for several organic pollutants and for most inorganic trace elements. However, the results clearly indicate that for the inorganic trace elements, anthropogenic influence is not limited to increased discharge of pollutants in the urban and industrial areas but also to significant changes in environmental conditions, with more reducing and acidic conditions observed in groundwater. The influence of lithology is also marked in the data set. From a more pragmatic point of view, the data set has been also used to derive upper limits of pollutant background concentrations to be used in decision-making related to the management of contaminated groundwater in urban and industrial environments in the Walloon Region.
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