Germination capacity and seed storage behaviour of threatened metallophytes from the Katanga copper belt (D.R. Congo): Implications for ex situ conservation
Godefroid, S.; Van de Vyver, A.; Lebrun, al.
2013 • In Plant Ecology and Evolution, 146 (2), p. 183-192
Godefroid, S.; National Botanic Garden of Belgium, Domein van Bouchout, BE-1860 Meise, Belgium
Van de Vyver, A.; National Botanic Garden of Belgium, Domein van Bouchout, BE-1860 Meise, Belgium
Lebrun, J.
Masengo Kalenga, W.; Université de Lubumbashi, Campus de la Kasapa, Lubumbashi, Congo
Handjila Minengo, G.; Tenke Fungurume Mining SARL, Avenue Panda n 790, Lubumbashi, Katanga, Congo
Rose, C.; Tenke Fungurume Mining SARL, Avenue Panda n 790, Lubumbashi, Katanga, Congo
Ngongo Luhembwe, M.; Université de Lubumbashi, Campus de la Kasapa, Lubumbashi, Congo
Vanderborght, T.; National Botanic Garden of Belgium, Domein van Bouchout, BE-1860 Meise, Belgium
Mahy, Grégory ; Université de Liège > Ingénierie des biosystèmes (Biose) > Biodiversité et Paysage
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Germination capacity and seed storage behaviour of threatened metallophytes from the Katanga copper belt (D.R. Congo): Implications for ex situ conservation
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