[en] The representation of information is a fundamental theme in geomatics sciences. Over time, in addition to the question of the availability of data and their modes of acquisition (2D or 3D), the nature of the support and the mode of representation has evolved, from paper to digital, from 2D to 3D. The emergence of XR extended reality offers new possibilities for exploitation and cognitive perception. With this development, questions have arisen.
Are the rules for the representation of geographic information, the way of handling and interacting evolving with XR? Are we witnessing a simple technological evolution or a radical change in the paradigm of representation?
This research project aims to answer these questions by studying the impact of XR on the management, manipulation, and representation of 3D geographic data.
This study will firstly be based on a multidisciplinary bibliographic analysis that should lead to identifying the rules of representation and the modes of interaction influenced by XR. Next, we study the possibility of establishing an XR-oriented geovisualization formalism, implemented in targeted application cases to be tested by users through immersive experiences. The analysis of the results obtained makes it possible to validate or not the rules of representation and the modes of interaction proposed and therefore to judge the nature and the depth of the impact of XR.