[en] The Paul Heinemann mycological herbarium, an exceptional patrimony valorize. - Paul Heinemann collected during his long career about 7000 samples of fungal fruitbodies, which are mainly preserved as exsiccata in the herbaria of the Faculty Agriculture in Gembloux (FUSAG) and of the National botanic Garden of Belgium (BR), Meise. The main interest of this collection lies in the high quality of related information. article evaluates the importance of the collection and reveals Paul Heinemann's personal metho- dology of filing the observed data. Potential valorisation methods for the data are given. A con- crete example, using Paul Heinemann's notes concerning the mycoflora of birches ( Betula sp.), illustrates the importance as well as the limitations of these data. Finally, the author raises problem of the future management of this scientific heritage and the present difficulties of access.