[en] What has been done in international immigrant entrepreneurship? And what are the trends that marked this phenomenon in research arenas? To address these questions, 40 articles published in top-tier journals are examined based on their: (a) objectives, (b) theoretical frameworks and (c) methodologies. Content analysis is used for reviewing the articles. The results indicate that North America is the region with most studies published in this topic, followed by Europe and Oceania. It was identified that the micro-level of analysis, empirical approach, deductive design and quantitative methodologies were the most predominant characteristics in immigrant entrepreneurship research. Some limitations and future lines of research are pointed out.
Disciplines :
General management, entrepreneurship & organizational theory
Author, co-author :
Aliaga Isla, Rocio ; Université de Liège > HEC-Ecole de gestion : UER > Management en économie sociale
Rialp, Alex; Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona > Business Economics
Martins, Izaias; Universidad EAFIT > Contaduria Publica
Language :
Title :
Past Accomplishments and Ways Forward on International Immigrant Entrepreneurship Research