Funding text :
The authors acknowledge the support of the Slovenian Research
Agency (Project No. J2-9237 and P2-0091), the Ministry of
Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic
of Serbia (Project III 45006) and the Ministry of Education,
Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia (M.ERA-NET
project SIOX). Z. J. acknowledges the support of the Slovene
Human Resources and Scholarship Fund (Grant No. 11013-37/
2012). J. V. and N. G. acknowledge funding through the GOA
project “Solarpaint” of the University of Antwerp and from the
FWO project G.0044.13N (Charge ordering). Themicroscope used
in this work was partly funded by the Hercules Fund from the
Flemish Government. We also acknowledge the Spanish Ministerio
de Ciencia, Innovaci´on y Universidades and the Consejo
Superior de Investigaciones Cienticas for provision of synchrotron
radiation in Beamline BM25 at the ESRF. Ph. G. also
acknowledges support from F.R.S.-FNRS Belgium (PDR project
PROMOSPAN ) and University of Li`ege (ARC project AIMED). Z. J.
is thankful to Dr Nina Daneu from Advanced Materials Department,
Joˇzef Stefan Institute for useful discussions.
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