[en] The liquid transfer between a cone and a plane is influenced by the apex angle of the cone. The ratio of transfer goes from 0 to 90% under certain conditions.
2nd Intl .workshop on insect bio-inspired microtechnologies
Event organizer :
University of Tours - CEA- CNRS
Event place :
Grenoble, France
Event date :
du 21 novembre 2019 au 22 novembre 2019
Audience :
Funders :
F.R.S.-FNRS - Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique
Funding text :
This work was funded by the FNRS research project T.0050.16 (Bioinspired Passive Liquid Dispensing), by the FNRS GEQ 3D microstructuration and microengineering of surfaces with three photons lithography (2014−2016) (Nanoscribe GT Photonics, co-funding ULB/FNRS grant UG01415F), and by the ARC ULB-UMons Prediction Grant.