Incidence de facteurs alimentaires sur l'obtention de resultats faux positifs lors de la detection des antibiotiques dans le lait par la methode Delvotest SP.
[en] The study described in this paper was performed to show the influence of feed complemented by minerals, oligo-elements and vitamins (CMV) on the results of Delvotest SP®. Three trials were developed. In the first trial, a group of 13 dairy cows was divided into two subgroups of six and seven cows, receiving the first one a feed basis without CMV, the second one, the same feed basis added of 100 g CMV per day. During the second trial, the dose of CMV was doubled for the last seven cows. During the third trial, all the 8 cows were grazing. The four cows of the test group received 200 g of CMV per day. The two homogeneous groups of cows (somatic cells, number of lactations) were followed for detection of inhibitors in milk using Delvotest SP®. The test gave positive results with milk from complemented cows during the first and the second trials. All results were negative during the third trial. Feed appears to be a factor that may give false positive results in the determination of antibiotics in milk with Delvotest SP®.
Disciplines :
Animal production & animal husbandry
Author, co-author :
Romnee, Jean-Michel; Centre de Recherches Agronomiques Gembloux
Raskin, Pascale; Centre de Recherches Agronomiques Gembloux
Istasse, Louis ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Nutrition des animaux domestiques
Laloux, Jean; Centre de Recherches Agronomiques Gembloux
Guyot, André; Centre de Recherches Agronomiques Gembloux
Language :
Title :
Incidence de facteurs alimentaires sur l'obtention de resultats faux positifs lors de la detection des antibiotiques dans le lait par la methode Delvotest SP.
Alternative titles :
[en] Incidence of feed-related factors on false-positive results when using the Delvotest SP for detection of antibiotics in milk.
Mäyrä-Makinen A., Technological significance of residues for the dairy industry, in: Residues of Antimicrobial Drugs and Other Inhibitors in Milk, IDF Publication 9505, Bruxelles, 1995, pp. 136-143.
Règlement (CEE) n°2377/90 du Conseil du 26 juin 1990 établissant une procédure communautaire pour la fixation des limites maximales de résidus de médicaments vétérinaires dans les aliments d'origine animale, JO L224/1 du 18 juin 1990 (modifications ultérieures de ce règlement).
Législation belge : Arrêté ministériel du 14 octobre 1994, Moniteur Belge du 2 décembre 1994, p 29910.
Carlsson A., Björck L. The effect of some indigenous antibacterial factors in milk on the crowth of Bacillus stearothermophilus var. Calidolactis, Milchwissenschaft, 42 (1987) 282-285.