[en] In this article, we would like to contribute to the drawing of the contours of enchantment as a concept by confronting it to the scene of tabletop role playing game. To this end, we will defend the hypothesis that role playing game could be approached as an enchantment device (dispositif d’enchantement), itself considered as a « potential space » (Belin, 2002) framing and encouraging the emergence of an extra-daily experience. At first, we will discuss the environment of the game and the preparation of the players. A second point will be devoted to the conditions of emergence and the arrangement of elements that will constitute the diegesis built by the players. We will finally see how these elements form a space of potentialities and indeterminacy, at the heart of the experience of enchantment.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Borsus, Isabelle ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences sociales > Labo d'anthropologie sociale et culturelle (LASC)
Pogorzelski, Gregory
Language :
Title :
Le jeu de rôle comme espace potentiel : contribution à une anthropologie de l’enchantement
l'article est disponible en Open Access sur le site de la revue : https://www.espacestemps.net/en/articles/le-jeu-de-role-comme-espace-potentiel-contribution-a-une-anthropologie-de-lenchantement/