Szelényi, Z.; Department and Clinic for Production Animals, University of Veterinary Medicine, Üllo, H-2225, Hungary, MTA-SZIE Large Animal Clinical Research Group, Üllo, H-2225, Hungary
Beckers, Jean-François ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences fonctionnelles (DSF) > Département des sciences fonctionnelles (DSF)
Nagy, K.; Department and Clinic for Production Animals, University of Veterinary Medicine, Üllo, H-2225, Hungary
Szenci, O.; Department and Clinic for Production Animals, University of Veterinary Medicine, Üllo, H-2225, Hungary, MTA-SZIE Large Animal Clinical Research Group, Üllo, H-2225, Hungary
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Effect of ovulation rate and timing of ovulation after different hormone treatments on pregnancy rate in dairy cows
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