Design process; New Ways of Working; NWoW; NWW; New Way of Working; Triple design; Technological change; Organizational change; Organizational politics; Project management; Spatial change; Decision-making; Changement organisationnel; Changement technologique; Sociologie des organisations; Gestion du changement; Gestion de projets; Design
Abstract :
[en] While more and more organizations commit to transformation projects with the aim of redesigning simultaneously their workspaces, work organization, and technologies, the design process supporting such projects remains largely understudied. This paper examines the political tensions that occur when such processes unfold as well as their implications for project management. By doing so, the paper counterbalances the prescriptive and normative literature on “New Ways of Working” which largely overlooks the political complexity of such projects. The analysis illustrates how space, organization, and technology are gradually designed and structured. Four interconnected and often concealed mechanisms that support triple design processes are identified: political tensions, unexpected twists, conflicting temporalities, and arbitration measures.
Research Center/Unit :
LENTIC - Laboratoire d'Études sur les Nouvelles Formes de Travail, l'Innovation et le Changement - ULiège
Disciplines :
General management, entrepreneurship & organizational theory Sociology & social sciences Human resources management
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