Abstract :
[en] Treatment of lower-limb deep vein thrombosis comprises three phases : the initial phase that includes the first 5 to 21 days, the long-term phase that includes the following 3 to 6 months and a potential extended phase (indefinite duration). After 3 to 6 months of anticoagulation, the treatment must be re-evaluated. Full or reduced dosage or complete cessation of anticoagulants can be proposed according to the individual benefit-risk balance. Risk assessment of recurrence may be challenging in the case of unprovoked venous thrombosis. Similarly, risk assessment of bleeding may be difficult. Consequently, a personalized decision must be made and regularly reassessed. As far as possible, it should also take into account the patient's preferences and lifestyle (dangerous sports, sedentary lifestyle, drug adherence,...). Further studies are still needed in order to better assess the individual risks and adapt the treatment.
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