Article (Scientific journals)
Posterior cingulate, precuneal and retrosplenial cortices: cytology and components of the neural network correlates of consciousness
Vogt, B. A.; Laureys, Steven
2005In Progress in Brain Research, 150 (Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology), p. 205-217
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Keywords :
cingulate gyrus; medial parietal cortex; metabolism; anesthetics; sleep; anterior thalamus
Abstract :
[en] Neuronal aggregates involved in conscious awareness are not evenly distributed throughout the CNS but are comprised of key components referred to as the neural network correlates of consciousness (NNCC). A critical node in this network is the retrosplenial, posterior cingulate, and precuneal cortices (RSC/PCC/PrCC). The cytological and neurochemical composition of this region is reviewed in relation to the Brodmann map. This region has the highest level of brain glucose metabolism and cytochrome c oxidase activity. Monkey studies suggest that the anterior thalamic projection likely drives RSC and PCC metabolism and that the midbrain projection to the anteroventral thalamic nucleus is a key coupling site between the brainstem system for arousal and cortical systems for cognitive processing and awareness. The pivotal role of RSC/PCC/PrCC in consciousness is demonstrated with posterior cingulate epilepsy cases, midcingulate lesions that de-afferent this region and are associated with unilateral sensory neglect, observations from stroke and vegetative state patients, alterations in blood flow during sleep, and the actions of anesthetics. Since this region is critically involved in self reflection, it is not surprising that it is similarly a site for the NNCC. Interestingly, information processing during complex cognitive tasks and during aversive sensations such as pain induces efforts to terminate self reflection and result in decreased processing in PCC/PrCC. Finally, anatomical relations between the neural correlates of mind and NNCC in the cingulate gyrus do not appear to overlap and suggests that mental function and conscious awareness may be mediated by two neural networks.
Disciplines :
Neurosciences & behavior
Author, co-author :
Vogt, B. A.
Laureys, Steven  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Consciousness-Coma Science Group
Language :
Title :
Posterior cingulate, precuneal and retrosplenial cortices: cytology and components of the neural network correlates of consciousness
Publication date :
Journal title :
Progress in Brain Research
Publisher :
Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Volume :
Issue :
Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Funders :
NIH - National Institutes of Health
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since 06 July 2020


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