Rineau, François; Environmental Biology, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Malina, Robert; Environmental Economics, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Beenaerts, Natalie; Environmental Biology, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Arnauts, Natascha; Environmental Biology, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Bardgett, Richard D.; Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Berg, M. P.; Department of Ecological Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Science, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, Groningen University, Groningen, Netherlands
Boerema, Annelies; Ecosystem Management Research Group (ECOBE), University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Bruckers, Liesbeth; Data Science Institute, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Clerinx, Jan; Environmental Biology, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Davin, Edouard L.; Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
De Boeck, Hans J.; Plants and Ecosystems (PLECO), University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium
De Dobbelaer, Tom; Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Brussels, Belgium
Dondini, Marta; Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
De Laender, Frederik; Namur Institute of Complex Systems, and the Institute of Life, Earth, and Environment, Research Unit in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, Namur University, Namur, Belgium
Ellers, Jacintha; Department of Ecological Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Franken, Oscar; Department of Ecological Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Gilbert, Lucy; Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Gudmundsson, Lukas; Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Janssens, Ivan A.; Plants and Ecosystems (PLECO), University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium
Johnson, David; Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Lizin, Sebastien; Environmental Economics, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Longdoz, Bernard ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département GxABT > Biosystems Dynamics and Exchanges
Meire, Patrick; Ecosystem Management Research Group (ECOBE), University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Meremans, Dominique; Ecosystem Management Research Group (ECOBE), University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Milbau, Ann; Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Brussels, Belgium
Moretti, Michele; Environmental Economics, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Nijs, Ivan; Plants and Ecosystems (PLECO), University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium
Nobel, Anne; Environmental Economics, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Pop, Iuliu Sorin; Faculty of Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Puetz, Thomas; Institute for Bio- and Geosciences IBG-3, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich, Germany
Reyns, Wouter; Environmental Biology, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium, Namur Institute of Complex Systems, and the Institute of Life, Earth, and Environment, Research Unit in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, Namur University, Namur, Belgium
Roy, Jacques; Ecotron Européen de Montpellier, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Montferrier-sur-Lez, France
Schuetz, Jochen; Faculty of Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Seneviratne, Sonia I.; Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Smith, Pete; Université de Liège - ULiège
Solmi, Francesca; Data Science Institute, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Staes, Jan; Ecosystem Management Research Group (ECOBE), University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Thiery, Wim; Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Thijs, Sofie; Environmental Biology, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Vanderkelen, Inne; Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Van Landuyt, Wouter; Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Brussels, Belgium
Verbruggen, Erik; Plants and Ecosystems (PLECO), University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium
Witters, Nele; Environmental Economics, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Zscheischler, Jakob; Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, Climate and Environmental Physics, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Vangronsveld, Jaco; Environmental Biology, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium, Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland
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