apathy; therapy; motivation; daily functioning; quality of life; rehabilitation; recovery
Abstract :
[en] Objective: People diagnosed with schizophrenia experience difficulties in their daily life, which is best explained by motivational negative symptoms. This study explores the feasibility, acceptability and efficacy of Switch, a new multifactorial intervention that targets motivational deficits. Method: Eight participants with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder followed around 30 individual sessions of Switch over 12 months. Participants and their informants were interviewed at baseline (T0), at 6 months (T1), at the end of the intervention (T2) and at 6 months follow-up (T3). Results: T0-T1 paired sample t-tests showed large improvements on motivational deficits, general negative symptoms, and apathy and functional outcomes (both as rated by informants). At T2 and T3, moderate to large improvements were maintained. Switch was well accepted by participants. Conclusions: This preliminary investigation provides evidence that Switch may be an acceptable and effective intervention specifically designed to target motivational deficits and improve daily functioning.
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