Abstract :
[en] NMR T1 T2, and T10 data are reported for poly(c-caprolactone) (PCL) and its blends with poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC). The relaxation behavior of PCL is similar to that of poly(ethylene oxide) and to that of polyethylene for temperatures below the melting point of PCL. Blends with PVC exhibit small-scale heterogeneity even for component concentrations at which the PCL is recognized as an amorphous material. It is proposed that PCL forms an intimate blend with part of the PVC component through hydrogen bonding and, once mobile, acts as a plasticizer for the PVC. The remaining, excess PVC in the 30/70 and 20/80 PCL/PVC blends studied is unplasticized and remains relatively immobile until temperatures close to the melting point are reached. In the light of these findings, the assignment of a single glass transition temperature to the blends rich in PVC must be reviewed. © 1984, American Chemical Society. All rights reserved.
Albert, Brigitte; Université de Liège - ULiège
Jérôme, Robert ;
Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de chimie (sciences) > Département de chimie (sciences) Teyssié, Philippe ;
Université de Liège - ULiège > Relations académiques et scientifiques (Sciences) Smyth, Gerard; Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Sart-Tilman, Dublin, 2, Ireland
McBrierty, Vincent J.; Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Sart-Tilman, Dublin, 2, Ireland
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